Saturday, June 5, 2010

DIY Homemade

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Did you know it is very possible that you can have your own personal energy supply and not have to rely on the main grid?

You can also set up and run your own supply grid to your neighbors.

There are some drawbacks to this system.

If you or a group goes off the grid you will come under investigation from big brother (you had better believe that) and the other major suppliers will look closely at you.

Although our society applauds the individual-collective individualism is can be seen as a threat to the ruling powers.

A few years ago, the idea of having alternate power or beliefs was seen and the domain of bugged eyed crazy few now days a wide range of people are looking into the idea of being able to survive without the major energy suppliers.

With a planet apparently going into overdrive with earthquakes, floods, and oil mishaps this is fast becoming not only the domain of bug-eyed crazy but an essential part of your home-care.

Usually if your first in your street to set a system up you will become a point of attention you can use this to your advantage to get them involved or at the least thinking about it.

You will get your knockers (they will be the first to knock at your door when the main gird has a seizure and the only place in the street that has power is yours).

In a real disaster, you may even have to prepare to protect yourself from the same people who may have knocked your ideas and even labeled you a little over the top.

Be even more careful if you are the lone innovator in your street or block.

When the plans and instructions for alternate form of power started coming out they were far too technical and some instructions unclear for the average D.I.Yer.

That is not the case today with huge competition in the renewable field there are a huge array of manuals, blue prints plus DVD's and in some areas free help is available making it a whole lot easier for you to set it up.

Saving power around your home, like turning off the lights, closing the door when heating a room and insulating your home all good ideas.

In reality if you are hooked up to your own alternate energy system and prepared it right you could enjoy and relax in the knowledge that In the event of a natural or man-made disaster you are going to be OK.

You can even sell any excess energy to your neighbors or unbelievably may even be able to sell it back to the main grid and that is sweet payback for all the money that you have paid them over the years.


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