Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The Benefits of the Ventless Fireplace

Image : http://www.flickr.com

When people are considering building a fireplace or bringing life to an old one, they normally go with the old chimney and hearth scenario.  The traditional wood burning fireplace is great and it has definitely served its purpose.  But, a ventless fireplace is the wave of now.

Not many people are aware that a ventless fireplace exists.  The first thing you wonder about is where all the soot goes.  The phenomenal thing about the ventless fireplace is that there is no soot, hence it's ventless.  It's real fire, without the wood.  It's real warmth, without the gas or the electric.  It's a totally new alternative that has only been around for about twenty years.


What burns in a ventless fireplace is a gel fuel that is made of isopropyl alcohol.  It burns clean into the air in a water vapor.  It's good for the environment and for your home.  Traditional wood burning fireplaces have started to develop huge problems from burning treated wood in the home to burning old wood that has harmful growth.  San Francisco has been fighting this battle for years.  They lead the nation in fighting issues connected to fireplace installation, which include what pollution is being displaced into the air as well as the damages harmful chemicals cause to the home.

New Way of Thinking

Can you imagine a fireplace without a hearth or a chimney?  The cost of installation is so much more inexpensive because it doesn't require major construction on your home.  It's literally installed in about an hour and it can be done by you.  So, you save money on labor as well.  What you can do though is build a faux chimney and hearth if you miss those features.

Also, a fireplace insert and genuine creativity means that you can have a fireplace anywhere in your home.  You can enjoy one in your bedroom, in your den and even in your bathroom if you would like.  Also, outdoor fireplaces are fairly simple to put together as well.

Old Objections

The way a traditional fireplace was built, you would have to take about a week or two if you were lucky to allow a contractor to tear up your living room.  Build a chimney that goes through your roof.  Build a hearth that tears up your floor.  Then, stock your wood and let it burn.  That is unless the house came with a fireplace in the first place.  Not many do because of how expensive a feature it is to add to a new home plan design.

No one can deny that traditional fireplaces are beautiful.  That's why there are alternatives.  The first was the electric fireplace.  It works great.  But, it doesn't work in a power outage.  Then, there was the gas fireplace.  It also does a wonderful job.  But, a gas leak is gravely serious.

The benefits of a ventless fireplace far outweigh any objections anyone might have.  But, it's just not a very familiar alternative to the traditional wood burning fireplace we have grown to love.  Sometimes, something great comes along and it takes awhile to catch on fire.

Recommend : - Cheap Fireplace Store - Campfire Cookware -